• Increase of the ISOMETER® nominal voltage range
  • Used with ISOMETER®of the iso685 series
  • For medium-voltage applications up to AC 7.2 kV

The coupling device AGH520S is designed to extend the nominal voltage range of the ISOMETER® iso685 series to (3)AC 0…7200 V, 50…400 Hz. The coupling device is connected to the system to be monitored by one pole and connected to the terminal AK of the ISOMETER® by means of the terminal 5.

Domande? Contattaci!

  • Increase of the ISOMETER® nominal voltage range
  • Used with ISOMETER®of the iso685 series
  • For medium-voltage applications up to AC 7.2 kV

The coupling device AGH520S is designed to extend the nominal voltage range of the ISOMETER® iso685 series to (3)AC 0…7200 V, 50…400 Hz. The coupling device is connected to the system to be monitored by one pole and connected to the terminal AK of the ISOMETER® by means of the terminal 5.

Domande? Contattaci!

AGH520S Variante/i

TypeNominal system voltage UnArt. No.
AGH520S3(N)AC 0…7200 VB913033

Download per AGH520S

AGH Dichiarazioni di conformità CE 143.8 KB 2023/11/2222.11.2023
UKCA - AGH Dichiarazioni di conformità 122.7 KB 2023/11/2222.11.2023
AGH520S-4 Manuali di istruzioni 1.6 MB DE2023/11/2828.11.2023D00073
AGH520S-4 Manuali di istruzioni 1.6 MB EN2023/11/2828.11.2023D00073
AGH520S Manuali di istruzioni 104.7 KB FR2019/05/1313.05.2019D00073
AGH520S Data sheet 336.2 KB DE2022/07/2121.07.2022D00073
AGH520S Data sheet 333.6 KB EN2022/07/2121.07.2022D00073
AGH520S Data sheet 336.5 KB ES2022/07/2121.07.2022D00073
AGH520S Data sheet 178.3 KB ZH2019/05/1313.05.2019D00073

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