ISOMETER® iso1685DP/isoHV1685D/isoLR1685DP

  • Insulation monitoring device for AC 1000 V and DC 1500 V IT systems
  • Application main circuits with connected frequency converters
  • Separately adjustable response values 200 Ω…1 MΩ
  • Display and control function for EDS insulation fault location systems
  • Can be extended to operate as an insulation fault location system

The ISOMETER® isoxx1685Dx-x25 is used for insulation monitoring of extensive IT systems. The specially developed measurement method monitors the insulation resistance also in installations where extremely high system leakage capacitances against earth exist due to interference suppression methods. Adaptation to system-related high leakage capacitances also occurs automatically.

The ISOMETER® iso1685Dxx generates locating current pulses required for insulation fault location. That allows the localisation of the insulation fault using permanently installed or mobile insulation fault locators.

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ISOMETER® iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325
ISOMETER® iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325
  • Insulation monitoring device for AC 1000 V and DC 1500 V IT systems
  • Application main circuits with connected frequency converters
  • Separately adjustable response values 200 Ω…1 MΩ
  • Display and control function for EDS insulation fault location systems
  • Can be extended to operate as an insulation fault location system

The ISOMETER® isoxx1685Dx-x25 is used for insulation monitoring of extensive IT systems. The specially developed measurement method monitors the insulation resistance also in installations where extremely high system leakage capacitances against earth exist due to interference suppression methods. Adaptation to system-related high leakage capacitances also occurs automatically.

The ISOMETER® iso1685Dxx generates locating current pulses required for insulation fault location. That allows the localisation of the insulation fault using permanently installed or mobile insulation fault locators.

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  • ISOMETER® for IT AC systems with galvanically connected rectifiers or inverters and for IT DC systems (IT = unearthed systems)
  • Automatic adaptation to the existing system leakage capacitance
  • Combination of AMPPlus and other profile-specific measurement methods
  • Two separately adjustable response value ranges of 1 kΩ…10 MΩ for Alarm 1 and Alarm 2
  • High-resolution graphical LC display
  • Connection monitoring (monitoring of the measuring lines)
  • Automatic device self test
  • Graphical representation of the insulation resistance over time (isoGraph)
  • History memory with real-time clock (buffer for three days) for storing 1023 alarm messages with date and time
  • Freely programmable digital inputs and outputs
  • Remote setting via the Internet or Intranet (COMTRAXX® gateway)
  • Worldwide remote diagnosis via the Internet (made available by Bender Service only)
  • RS-485 interface for data exchange to other Bender devices


  • measuring insulation faults 200 Ω…1 MΩ


  • measuring insulation faults 20 Ω…100 kΩ


  • measuring insulation faults 200Ω …1MΩ at mains voltages AC 2000 V, DC 3000 V

iso1685DP-425 and isoLR1685DP-325

  • Locating current injection for selective insulation fault location
  • Indication of the insulation faults selectively located by the EDS system
  • Parameter setting of EDS systems
  • Customer-specific texts for each measuring channel


  • Extensive systems up to AC 2000 V/DC 3000 V which are designed as IT systems
  • Low-resistance applications from 20 Ω

ISOMETER® iso1685DP/isoHV1685D/isoLR1685DP Variante/i

TypeResponse value rangeNominal system voltageSupply voltage*Art. No.
isoLR1685DP-32520 Ω…100 kΩAC 0…690 V / DC 0…690 VDC 18…30 VB91065803
isoHV1685D-425200 Ω…1 MΩAC 0…2000 V / DC 0…3000 VDC 18…30 VB91065805
iso1685DP-425200 Ω…1 MΩAC 0…1000 V / DC 0…1500 VDC 18…30 VB91065802

* Absolute values

Download per ISOMETER® iso1685DP/isoHV1685D/isoLR1685DP

UKCA - isoXX1685 Dichiarazioni di conformità 122.0 KB 2023/06/1212.06.2023
isoXX1685 Dichiarazioni di conformità CE 89.1 KB 2023/06/1212.06.2023
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 Manuali di istruzioni 7.1 MB DE2022/09/2727.09.2022D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 Manuali di istruzioni 7.2 MB EN2022/09/2727.09.2022D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 Data sheet 681.5 KB DE2022/09/2828.09.2022D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 Data sheet 678.5 KB EN2022/09/2828.09.2022D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 Quickstarts 707.0 KB DE2024/05/2929.05.2024D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 Quickstarts 707.0 KB EN2024/05/2929.05.2024D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 Quickstarts 707.5 KB FR2024/05/2929.05.2024D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 Quickstarts 707.5 KB ES2024/05/2929.05.2024D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 Data sheet 680.4 KB FR2022/09/2828.09.2022D00272
iso1685DP-425/isoHV1685D-425/isoLR1685DP-325 Data sheet 570.3 KB ES2022/09/2828.09.2022D00272
isoxx1685Dx Gerätefamilie - Modbus-Einstellung Manuali di istruzioni 311.4 KB DE2020/06/1010.06.2020D00272
isoxx1685Dx Device family - Modbus settings Manuali di istruzioni 153.8 KB EN2022/11/0404.11.2022D00272
iso1685 Set V2.3 Software 190.0 KB 2024/04/2323.04.2024
Gamme de produits - IMD: le chaffeur par induction Gamma di prodotti 880.8 KB FR2021/01/1313.01.2021
IMD: Inductive heating Gamma di prodotti 844.0 KB EN2021/01/1313.01.2021
Produktübersicht - IMD: Induktives Erwärmen Gamma di prodotti 880.9 KB DE2021/01/1313.01.2021

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