ISOMETER® isoPV1685RTU/isoPV1685P

  • Application photovoltaic systems up to AC 1000 V/DC 1500 V
  • Separately adjustable response values 200 Ω…1 MΩ
  • Automatic adaptation to the system leakage capacitance
    up to 2000 μF
  • Interface selectable RS-485 or Modbus

The device is used for insulation and residual current monitoring of large photovoltaic systems up to AC 1000 V/DC 1500 V designed as IT systems. The measurement method specially developed for slow voltage fluctuations (MPP-Tracking) monitors the insulation resistance even in systems equipped with large solar generator panels where extremely high system leakage capacitances against earth exist due to interference suppression methods. Adaptation to system-related high leakage capacitances also occurs automatically.

The device generates locating current pulses required for insulation fault location. That allows the localisation of the insulation fault using permanently installed or mobile insulation fault locators. Integrated residual current monitoring allows fast signalling of a measured insulation faults on the AC side (inverter, transformer).

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ISOMETER® isoPV1685/isoPV1685PFR
ISOMETER® isoPV1685/isoPV1685PFR
  • Application photovoltaic systems up to AC 1000 V/DC 1500 V
  • Separately adjustable response values 200 Ω…1 MΩ
  • Automatic adaptation to the system leakage capacitance
    up to 2000 μF
  • Interface selectable RS-485 or Modbus

The device is used for insulation and residual current monitoring of large photovoltaic systems up to AC 1000 V/DC 1500 V designed as IT systems. The measurement method specially developed for slow voltage fluctuations (MPP-Tracking) monitors the insulation resistance even in systems equipped with large solar generator panels where extremely high system leakage capacitances against earth exist due to interference suppression methods. Adaptation to system-related high leakage capacitances also occurs automatically.

The device generates locating current pulses required for insulation fault location. That allows the localisation of the insulation fault using permanently installed or mobile insulation fault locators. Integrated residual current monitoring allows fast signalling of a measured insulation faults on the AC side (inverter, transformer).

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Only device version isoPV1685P provide a locating current injector.

  • Insulation monitoring of large-scale photovoltaic systems
  • Measurement of low-resistance insulation faults
  • Separately adjustable response values Ran1 (alarm 1) and Ran2 (alarm 2) (both 200 Ω…1 MΩ) for prewarning and alarm. Ran1Ran2 applies.
  • Automatic adjustment to high system leakage capacitances up to 2000 μF, selectable range
  • Connection monitoring of L+, L- for reverse polarity (DC only)
  • Integrated locating current injector up to 50 mA (isoPV1685P only)
  • Device self test with automatic message in the event of a fault
  • Alarm relays separately adjustable for insulation fault 1, insulation fault 2
  • CAN interface to output measured values, statuses and alarms
  • RS-485 interface
    – isoPV1685P: BMS bus, e.g. to control the insulation fault location
    – isoPV1685RTU: BMS bus or Modbus (can be switched using the DIP switch)
  • μSD card with data logger and history memory for alarms


  • Large PV systems designed as IT systems up to AC 1000 V/DC 1500 V

ISOMETER® isoPV1685RTU/isoPV1685P Variante/i

TypeResponse value rangeSupply voltage UsNominal system voltage UnArt. No.
isoPV1685RTU-425200 Ω…1 MΩDC 18…30 VAC 0…1000 V/DC 0…1500 VB91065603
isoPV1685P-425200 Ω…1 MΩDC 18…30 VDC 0…1500 VB91065604

Download per ISOMETER® isoPV1685RTU/isoPV1685P

isoPV1685P Manuali di istruzioni 4.8 MB EN2024/09/0505.09.2024D00007
isoPV1685P Manuali di istruzioni 4.9 MB DE2024/09/0303.09.2024D00007
isoPV1685P Data sheet 2.0 MB EN2024/09/0505.09.2024D00007
isoPV1685P Data sheet 2.0 MB DE2024/09/0505.09.2024D00007
isoPV1685RTU - Modbus settings Nota di applicazione 250.2 KB EN2023/07/0606.07.2023
isoPV1685RTU - Modbuseinstellungen Nota di applicazione 252.9 KB DE2023/07/0606.07.2023D00007
UKCA - isoXX1685 Dichiarazioni di conformità 122.0 KB 2023/06/1212.06.2023
Erneuerbare Energien: Photovoltaik Depliant 2.0 MB DE2023/06/1616.06.2023
isoXX1685 Dichiarazioni di conformità CE 89.1 KB 2023/06/1212.06.2023
Renewable energies: Photovoltaics Depliant 2.0 MB EN2023/06/1616.06.2023
CAN communication for isoPV1685 Manuali di istruzioni 367.2 KB EN2023/04/0505.04.2023D00007
isoPV1685RTU/isoPV1685P Manuali di istruzioni 2.5 MB DE2023/04/0505.04.2023D00007
isoPV1685RTU/isoPV1685P Manuali di istruzioni 2.4 MB EN2023/04/0505.04.2023D00007
isoPV1685/isoPV1685PFR Appendix A Manuali di istruzioni 494.6 KB EN2019/05/1313.05.2019D00007
isoPV1685RTU/isoPV1685P Data sheet 627.9 KB DE2023/04/0505.04.2023D00007
isoPV1685RTU/isoPV1685P Data sheet 645.5 KB EN2023/04/0505.04.2023D00007
isoPV1685RTU/isoPV1685P Data sheet 520.2 KB ES2023/04/0505.04.2023D00007
isoPV1685RTU/isoPV1685P Quickstarts 1.0 MB DE2023/04/0505.04.2023D00007
isoPV1685RTU/isoPV1685P Quickstarts 1.0 MB EN2023/04/0505.04.2023D00007

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